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Showing posts from December, 2019

Thank You Letter To My Best Friend

Dear Friend, Thank you for entering my life. I strongly believe in having "a person," and there is no better person to fit that description than you. For the last four years of my life, I have been through so many different stages, like graduating, struggling job career, a new life, and through all of the good and bad times, you have been with me. I couldn't thank you enough for that. I want you to know, I don't need a large group of friends when I have one that constantly reminds me all of the time that they are there for me in every way possible. I thought my whole life that I knew what a best friend was, but I was wrong. You've given those words a whole different meaning. Nobody could ever compare to you. I used to think a best friend was sleepovers, reckless activities, and spending every day together. I was wrong. A best friend is not seeing them all the time and still being so close it blows your mind or getting so excited to see the other one when

Thank You (and See You in 2020)!

We're about to wrap a really good year. 2019 has brought me new friends and lots of experiences learnt. I'd like to be thankful for everything I've lived this year, and to everyone who's shared the ride with me.