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Life Lessons To Every Individual From Lord Rama

He is humble, dignified, a perfect personification of THE IDEAL HUMAN BEING.

Lord Rama is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a mortal being in this realm of reality.

In a high juxtaposed way to his other avatar(Lord Krishna), Rama has marked his presence with an extremely mild attitude and very cool take on things. He stands an epitome for Truth, Justice and the true Hindutva.

Learning Principles:

1. Honor Your Word

One of the basic but strong messages given by Ramayana and the life of Lord Rama is rendering value to your own word. No matter what price you need to pay, but honoring your word is equivalent to worshipping the God within you. 

In Ramayana, King Dasharatha sent his eldest son, Lord Rama on exile to honor the promise he gave to his wife Kaikeyi without knowing that she would make such a demand in a bid to pronounce her son Bharath as the next King of Ayodhya. 

But a man of principles like Lord Rama didn’t question his father and without any second thought, he left the empire and his princely life to live life like an ordinary man for the next 14 years in forests.

2) Never Give Up

It may take a day, weeks or even years, when you fix onto a goal, never back down.

Sita was held captive by Ravan, king of Lanka and searching for his beloved took Rama an enormous amount of time and he never backed down or even thought of giving up. Such is the power of love and the dedication one has towards his/her goals.

3) Modesty is the Best Policy

He's the most skilled archer there is. He has a thorough knowledge of the greatest Astros and Shastras to employ upon. But all of that power and knowledge has NEVER put an ounce of arrogance in his path of vision and his humility is unparalleled. 

You may be the best there is at what you do. But keeping that output in a check is a must

4) Keep Calm

He has fought great wars, mythical monsters and has had traumatic experiences but never did he lose his cool or even filched a bit. An enormous level of control and impeccable control over his feelings and emotions has been the signature attribute of Lord Rama since the beginning of the mythos.

Whatever may be the situation, try and keep a cool head. You panicking won't help solve the crisis. 

5) Obey and Respect Your Elders

He NEVER questioned his parent's decisions even if it meant a horrendous and dangerous life in the woods. He agreed to take on monsters like Thataki at the mere asking of his father and went to a life of exile at the wish of his stepmother. He is the very embodiment of Aadharsh Balak. 

You might not approve of your parent's actions but in the long run, they might have made the best choice for your own greater good.

6) Prejudice Is Never The Solution

When Ravan's brother Vibhishan came to Rama as he was banished from his own kingdom, Rama never a moment, had any prejudice against him even when his followers were not sure about it. When they all understood the value of Vibhishan's knowledge and expertise and how it helped them, they began to see the foresightedness of Rama.

Prejudice is never the key. Something might seem off about what you might have encountered but look past the common attributes and you will see the real values of people and situations/opportunities.

7) Importance Of Friends 

Laxman and Hanuman are more than brother and a devotee of Lord Rama. They're the closest friends to Rama and have proven that time and again. As a brother, he had trusted the weight of the kingdom to his brother Bharat and the responsibility of the family to his brother Shatrughna. 

Friends always have your back in however tight the spot your in. Your family and siblings are the best of the friends you'll ever find in your life.

Thumb Rule in Life is to always “Follow the right values, blindly.”

Thank You!


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