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7 Laws of Karma by Lord Shiva That’ll Change Your Life

Shiva, the most important God in Hinduism and the crucial one in the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (another name of Shiva) who represent Creation, Preservation, and Destruction respectively. Shiva is a destroyer, not only the destroyer of the establishment when the judgment day comes but also the destroyer of misery and hurdles in life.

Shiva is the “destroyer of evil and the transformer” within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In Shaivism tradition, Shiva is the Supreme Being who creates, protects and transforms the Universe. He is one of the five equivalent deities in Panchayatana puja of the Smarta tradition of Hinduism.

Lord Shiva which is a ‘Hindi’ term has originated from a beautiful concept of E + Shav = Shiva (Shav = Dead, and E = Energy). It means when energy flows into the dead body; it starts to live, hence called as Shiva. Which only denotes, we’re all born Shivas.

These laws are said to help us understand life better.

1. Truth

Truth is the first law of Shiva karma. According to this, one should remain truthful in all situations of life. Lies can help you temporarily but it is the truth that will finally unveil itself. We should stay truthful to others and most importantly, ourselves. This is how you can attain true peace.

2. Knowledge is God

Knowledge is the root of everything. To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day. You need not have knowledge of everything in this world but you should, however, never stop wanting to gain knowledge. The seed of knowledge is within each one of us. You just need to be hungry enough to find it.

3. Everything is an illusion

If your happiness is related to materials then your happiness is an illusion too. The third law of Shiva karma is that everything is an illusion. Your happiness should find its way out of materials and things. Happiness lies within you. Not in things that you possess. Be grateful for all that you have in life, and be humble too. Just don’t be all about the things that you have and possess.

4. Look beyond yourself

As time is passing by, people are becoming more and more concerned about personal happiness. Being responsible for your own happiness is perfectly fine, but we should also keep a note of the people around us. Happiness multiplies when it is shared and spread. Never be selfish about happiness. It feels a lot better when it’s shared.

5. Be formless

Don’t be caught up in a box. Allow your soul to feel whatever it wants to. Just don’t lose your calm when you go through a tough situation. Instead, grow through it. Take water as your inspiration. Blend in with life as it comes.

6. Use all your senses

To practice this law, you first need to ease your mind. Your mind needs to be at peace. Then only will all the other senses to synchronize with it. Remember, your mind is the center of your being and it controls everything. Calm your mind and make use of all your senses. This will make you more aware of what is happening around you and shall also awaken your consciousness.

7. Awaken yourself

Enlightenment is when a person grows out of his self-imposed immaturity. He defines immaturity as one’s inability to use his own understanding without the guidance of another. Enlightenment is the final stage of awakening. Once a person is enlightened and is aware of everything around him, there is nothing other than the lord who can break him.

Thanks for reading through.
N Lohidasu Reddy 


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