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Just Be You !!!

12 Things to Always Remember Throughout Your Life:


1. The past cannot be changed

So don’t let it hold you back. No matter how much you think about it or cry over it, there is no going back in time to fix it. Focus on how you will move forward instead.

2. Opinions don’t define your reality

“Your life isn’t yours if you constantly care what others think.” Live your life the way you want. If someone has a bad opinion of you, that is not your problem. As long as YOU know who you are, that is all that matters.

3. Everyone’s journey is different

There is no timeline for life. Go at YOUR pace and create a life that YOU enjoy. Some people choose to get married at 20 while others wait until they’re 30! Neither is right or wrong, we all just take different paths in life.

4. Things always get better with time

“Time heals all wounds.” When something sad or difficult happens to us, it can affect every aspect of our lives. Just remember though, things DO get better. The sun always comes out again and there is so much in this life to be thankful for and positive about. Let time do its work.

5. Judgments are a confession of character

When people judge you or those around you, it is just showing you their true character. It may show you their insecurities, fears, and doubts. It is not a reflection of you or the people they are judging. Keep living your life with no regards to judgment!

6. Overthinking will lead to sadness

Overthinking causes you to elongate the duration of the problem and will make you second guess yourself and your decision making. Try not to overthink and trust your instincts!

7. Happiness is found within

Every single day you wake up and you choose either to be happy or to be unhappy. No matter what is happening in your life, you can always choose happiness. It is not something that is bought or found in others, it is in you!

8. Smiles are contagious

Try to smile at everyone you see! You never know who may be having a bad day and really needs a friendly face to let them know it is going to be okay.

9. Kindness is free

We have the power to make a difference in everyone we meet life, so take advantage of it! Whether it’s your waiter at dinner, the homeless man on the street, or an employee at the store, be kind and show love! We all can help change the world, one person at a time.

10. Positive thoughts create positive thinking

Do you want to think about the bad storm that is supposed to hit later? Or do you want to think about seeing your kids’ smiling faces when you walk through the door from work later? It’s up to you! The more positive thoughts you have, the more of a positive thinker you will become.

11. Learn people’s names

It will make you feel more connected with them and will make them feel important and respected.

12. You only fail if you quit

Just because you didn’t get it right the first, or second, or even third time, doesn’t mean you failed! Keep trying! It will just make you feel that much more amazing when you succeed!




  1. Hi Lohith Reddy,

    Really Awsmmm.., what u have return about 12 points. That's Great


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