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Happy Ganesh Chaturthi | 15 Life lessons from Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is always depicted in a state of peace and harmony. But did you know, Ganesha is also a source of learning? Yes, everybody part of Ganesha’s body teaches us something. Each element of Ganesha’s body has its own spiritual significance. 

1. Ganesha’s Head 

Ganesha’s Big Head means “Think Big!” No wonder, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the god of wisdom. His elephant head indicates intelligence and distinct brainpower. 

2. Ganesha’s Ears 

Ganesha’s Big Ears mean “Listen more”. Ganesha’s wide ears denote the ability to listen to people who seek his help. Ears are also used to gain knowledge. They signify the importance of listening to absorb ideas. 

3. Ganesha’s Eyes 

Ganesha’s Small Eyes mean “Concentrate”. Ganesha’s eyes teach us to concentrate our mind, as only a person who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in life. 

4. Ganesha’s Mouth 

Ganesha’s Small Mouth means “Talk Less”. His mouth teaches us to believe in doing instead of talking. To value our words. To listen, think, do and then talk. 

5. Ganesha’s Single Tusk 

Ganesha’s Single Tusk (the other one being broken) indicates Ganesha’s ability to overcome all forms of dualism. The broken tusk teaches us to analyze experiences in life, to retain the good and to throw out the bad. It teaches us to introspect – to keep good thoughts and good habits, and to throw out evil thoughts and bad habits. 

6. Ganesha’s Belly 

Digest all good and bad in life. Attain the virtue of calmness. Ganesha’s belly contains infinite universes. It signifies the ability of Ganesha to swallow the sorrows of the universe and protect the world. 

7. Ganesha’s Legs 

Social and spiritual are both critical phases in life. The position of his legs (one resting on the ground and one raised) indicates a way of living. It’s important to live in the social as well as in the spiritual world. 

8. Ganesha’s Arms 

The four arms of Ganesha represent the four inner attributes of the subtle body, that is Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Ahamkara (ego) and Chitta (conditioned conscience). 

A. The First Arm 

It represents the severing of bonds and attachments. The hand waving an axe is a symbol of the detachment of all desires, bearers of pain and suffering. With this axe, Ganesha can both strike and repel obstacles. 

B. The Second Arm 

The second-hand holds a rope and a lotus flower. The lotus flower (Padma) symbolizes the highest goal of human evolution. The rope is to pull the devotee to the highest goal. 

C. The Third Arm 

The third hand turned towards the devotee, is in a pose of blessing. Ganesha offers protection and guidance to the spiritual seeker. 

D. The Fourth Arm 

The fourth hand holds a modaka (sweet), which symbolizes the sweetness of the realized inner self. It also denotes the reward of sadhana (devotion). 

9. Mouse, Ganesha’s Vehicle 

The mouse symbolizes logic and doubt. Lord Ganesha is depicted sitting over a mouse, indicating that he has control over his logic and doubt. A strategic leader must not let logic have a free rein. It should be practiced with caution and within limits. 

10. Respect your Parents 

Ganesha’s relationship with his parents has been tricky. This is primarily due to the way he was created by Parvati and, by mistake, beheaded by his father Lord Shiva. However, his powers and wisdom developed the relationship with his parents into one that is loving and full of respect. An anecdote from Lord Ganesha’s life reflects this lesson. When Ganesha was asked to encircle the world three times to win a race, he simply encircled his parents saying they were his world. 

...... Thanks for Reading ...... 


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